Welcome to Generative GTM

Published: February 8, 2024 by Zach Vidibor

Feel very fortunate to be able to share that Octave has raised a $2.9M pre-seed round 💥

Craft Ventures led and was joined by Unusual Ventures, Tidepool Labs, and dozens of incredible angels that believe deeply in our team and what we're building.

We're grateful to have the support of investors that share our long-term vision, and see the massive opportunity ahead as the GTM function undergoes profound changes. Teams are in search of new ways to leverage AI to get closer to their customers, make their teams more productive, and drive efficiency and speed as they scale.

But more exciting, is that we're ready to share what the team has been tirelessly working on - Octave is open for business ☺️

GTM is changing at a relentless and possibly unprecedented pace. The end of zirp and rise of AI have combined to end the predictable revenue era. Most of the 'modern' systems, practices, and processes that companies rely on today were born and cultivated in this era. But interestingly, many believe the tools developed in this era are also pre-ordained to win the next one. We couldn't disagree more.

GTM is moving from the era of automation, to the era of generation. From a world of complex, admin-centric tools, based on static data and rigid rules, to a dynamic world where end users are directly empowered with real-time data, multiplayer collaboration, elegant workflows, and the power of infinite flexibility and personalization with AI. To capture this potential, things must be rebuilt from the ground up; a simple retrofit with AI pixie dust won't cut it. We've embarked on an ambitious journey to build a new platform that doesn't exist, and couldn't exist until now.

The fatal limiting flaw of all GTM tools is that they are either built on top of activity data, deal data, and/or contact data. While this data is no doubt important, there's a truly fundamental piece of the puzzle it can't tell you a single thing about… what the heck are you actually selling?!

GTM tools don't have a clue about what your products actually are, who they're for, how they're used, or why they provide value. Keeping track of this core knowledge (i.e. your messaging and positioning) has always been left outside of a purpose built system - it's been incumbent upon people to remember what they need to know, and create from memory (over and over again). This knowledge is also not connected in any way to core selling workflows - the vast majority of 'how you actually sell' is tribal knowledge that must be manually turned into productive actions by each individual.

Octave is a new workflow-oriented platform that's built on top of the data format we believe will power the next era of GTM - context. Imagine a tool that's architected to understand the context of your unique GTM - it knows your ICPs, your value props, your personas, your use cases, competitors, differentiators, etc.

Now you're probably wondering what all that blathering on actually means, huh? Well come check it out for yourself and we'd love to hear your thoughts.

You can start a free trial right now!

And we're just getting started, there's lots more coming soon… stay tuned 👀

Zach Vidibor
Co-founder & CEO